Posted by Jessica on June 9, 2016 in Jessica, marriage, Motherhood, Parenting, pics, Update |

To my 20 year old self on my 30th birthday… So you are turning 20.  I remember it well.. Living in that tiny apartment.  You felt so lonely.  Matt was taking lots of classes at the seminary and you wondered if it was worth all the time you were spending alone.  (Heads up.. It totally […]

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A glimpse of our summer so far…

Posted by Jessica on June 10, 2012 in Family, Fun, Jessica, pics |


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Soft Frosted Sugar Cookies

Posted by Jessica on April 24, 2012 in Cooking, Jessica, pics |

You know those soft, fluffy, frosted, delicious sugar cookies sold in grocery store bakeries? Well now you can make them at home. These are so good… And with 3 sticks of butter in just the cookie part.. How could they not be? Another plus, these are super easy to whip up! I even tried substituting […]

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Side Walk Chalk Paint!

Posted by Jessica on April 20, 2012 in Family, Fun, Jessica, pics |

Here’s a fun easy idea to try with your kids this spring!  I like to use a cupcake tin.  It works perfect so you can have several colors in easy spot.  Simply add a couple tablespoons of cornstarch to the tin, add water and stir.  The consistency will be kind of weird at first but […]

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