Sweet Potato Chorizo Lettuce Wraps

Posted by Jessica on June 10, 2012 in Cooking, Jessica |

Take a break from grilling this summer and try this recipe I found at Pink Parsley! This quick and easy week night dish is full of flavor but still light and relatively healthy. Pair this with some fruit and you have a great meal! Chorizo and Sweet Potato Lettuce Wraps Pink Parsley Chorizo-Sweet Potato Filling: […]



Soft Frosted Sugar Cookies

Posted by Jessica on April 24, 2012 in Cooking, Jessica, pics |

You know those soft, fluffy, frosted, delicious sugar cookies sold in grocery store bakeries? Well now you can make them at home. These are so good… And with 3 sticks of butter in just the cookie part.. How could they not be? Another plus, these are super easy to whip up! I even tried substituting […]

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