
Kaleidoscopic Faith

Posted by matt on June 11, 2012 in Book Review, Matt, Missional |

“The Christian faith is kaleidoscopic, and most of us are color-blind. It is multidimensional, and most of us manage to hold at most two dimensions in our heads at any one time. It is symphonic, and we can just about whistle one of the tunes”

-N.T. Wright in the forward to The King Jesus Gospel, by Scot McKnight

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Sweet Potato Chorizo Lettuce Wraps

Posted by Jessica on June 10, 2012 in Cooking, Jessica |

Take a break from grilling this summer and try this recipe I found at Pink Parsley! This quick and easy week night dish is full of flavor but still light and relatively healthy. Pair this with some fruit and you have a great meal! Chorizo and Sweet Potato Lettuce Wraps Pink Parsley Chorizo-Sweet Potato Filling: […]



A glimpse of our summer so far…

Posted by Jessica on June 10, 2012 in Family, Fun, Jessica, pics |


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Missing in Missional

Posted by matt on June 8, 2012 in Matt, Missional |

A while back my twitter friend Chris Chappotin asked a great question about what is missing from the Missional Conversation. In response to that he asked if I would be willing to be one of many who responded in a blog post, briefly detailing my thoughts. While their is certainly much room for conversation about […]

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Astronaut Pen

Posted by matt on June 8, 2012 in Fun, Matt, Uncategorized, Videos |

My good friend Bob Mills gave me this pen from his desk the other day. But I have to admit, the way it happened reminded me a little bit of this…

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Book Review: Missional Preaching (part 2)

Posted by matt on June 7, 2012 in Book Review, Matt, Missional |

This post is part 2 of a two part review of Al Tizon’s book entitled Missional Preaching. You can read part 1 here. As I covered in the first post, Missional Preaching is divided into two parts, with part one discussing the essentials of Missional Preaching and the second detailing the goals. While each chapter […]

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The Good Life

Posted by matt on June 4, 2012 in Matt, Missional |

“God does not call us to a life of self imposed misery and asceticism, any more than He calls us to a life of more successful scrambling. We are called to a life that is much more festive, celebrative and satisfying than anything the rat race can offer. God calls us to a good life that elevates relationships, celebration, worship, family, community and service above the values of acquisition, individualism and materialism.” Tom Sine

In the Chapter entitled ‘Preaching for whole life Stewardship’ in Missional Preaching, by Al Tizon

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