The Power of Being Present

Posted by matt on August 25, 2017 in Matt, Uncategorized |

When I’m walking through my morning routine each day, one discipline I practice is to write down “Daily Virtues”. Daily Virtues are the attributes or qualities I want to see become more manifest in my life. (more on that in another post). I divide these virtues into three categories, Be. Live. And Do. The first […]

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The Problem of Selfishness

Posted by matt on August 3, 2017 in Matt |

I wonder how much of a good and redemptive life is simply noticing our surroundings and making the conscious decision to respond with something more than selfish voyeurism? How much good would we do, how much better could our neighborhoods, workplaces and cities become if we made the simple decision to engage each other with […]

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10,000 Pushups

Posted by matt on August 1, 2017 in learning, Matt |

Over the course of July it wasn’t uncommon for someone to ask me why I’m doing 10,000 pushups. Here’s the skinny… Doing 10,000 pushups in a single month is ridiculous. There is no meaningful reason that exists for why someone would do that many pushups in a single month. So, why? The genesis of the […]

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