Joy Stealers
When I was a senior in high school my uncle Steve was killed in a car accident. The following Sunday I was singing in the praise team at church and I remember my pastor’s wife coming to me and saying that she could just see the joy of the Lord in me, even on a day of […]
Thoughts on Marriage Conflict
It happened again. An argument. Even as I sit and write I cannot remember what the argument was about. In all likelihood the argument was a direct result of something one of us said that the other chose to take in the worst possible light; the assumed detection of a voice inflection that changed a […]
Marriage 12 plus years in
It’s funny how after 12 plus years of marriage I can still feel “new” at this whole wife thing. I mean, how long do you have to live in a role to have it figured out? One would think twelve years is long enough to work out all the kinks. Why is grace so hard […]
Choosing what is real
As I sit in a coffee shop I’m pondering authenticity. In a world where fake is everywhere, it can be difficult to decipher what is real.This coffee shop doesn’t mess around. My plate came out with bread that went through a slow process of refinement by the hands of people I can see as I […]
To my 20 year old self on my 30th birthday… So you are turning 20. I remember it well.. Living in that tiny apartment. You felt so lonely. Matt was taking lots of classes at the seminary and you wondered if it was worth all the time you were spending alone. (Heads up.. It totally […]
Quick Date
Last night Matt and I went out for a quick date to a local coffee shop. It was only for 2 hours but for 2 hours we had a chance to breathe. I spend most of my hours mothering so it can be hard to remember at times another very important role… Being Matt’s wife. In […]